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Drawing basics

Drawing basics

Beginners' course: proportions, light & shadow, step-by-step drawing

Basics of Sculpture - "David's Features"

Basics of Sculpture - "David's Features"

For beginners & advanced students: measuring methods, anatomy and design for sculptures, water-based clay

2 weeks portrait workshop

2 weeks portrait workshop

Learn to draw and paint portraits of models, with a focus on anatomy and measuring techniques

Basics Digital Drawing

Basics Digital Drawing

For beginners: Digital art tools, perspective, shapes, color design

Academy of Fine Art Workshops

Learn the basics of painting, drawing and creating sculptures in our workshops. Develop your talent and get free advice during a personal consultation or register directly.
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Basic Drawing

In this beginners' course you will learn: proportions, light & shadow, step-by-step drawing

Advanced drawing

Refine measuring methods, create 3D illusions with charcoal, self-control and corrections with tips and tricks

Silverpoint drawing

 Discover the finesse of the line drawings of the old masters

Oil painting basics

For beginners: Material science, light and shadow, mixing colors, step by step to the finished work

Figure drawing

Figure drawing: Anatomy, measuring techniques, realistic representation, drawing from a real model, for beginners and advanced students

Figure painting

For advanced users: real model, skin tones, anatomy, proportions

Portrait drawing

Portrait drawing: Real model, anatomy, measuring techniques, line quality and shading for model likeness

Portrait painting in oil

Advanced course: Real model, skin tones, anatomy, transferring proportions

Still-life in oil

For experienced users: color palette, surfaces, textures, high chroma and dead palette

Old Masters Workshop

For experienced artists: building on the basics, historical painting techniques, master copies with Zorn palette, color theory

Plein-air painting

Image composition, landscapes in oil, nature painting, realistic professional techniques, for beginners & advanced students

Weekend oil painting basics

For beginners: Material science, light and shadow, mixing colors, step by step to the finished work

Gift card for art workshops

The Academy of Fine Art Gift Card

Kommentare Background.jpg

This is what the workshop participants say:

"Habe den Grundlagen Zeichnen Kurs besucht und viel gelernt. Vielen Dank für die schöne und lehrreiche Woche! Der nächste Kurs ist schon gebucht."

Anne K.

Grundlagen Zeichnen

Selten so viel gelernt wie im Grundlagen Ölmalerei Workshop. Ich bin rundum begeistert - besonders von den Lehrern!

Dagmar Manfred

Grundlagen Ölmalerei 

Ich habe an 2 Wochenenden am Öl-Malkurs teilgenommen. Ich bin begeistert wie viel Techniken ich lernen durfte, an die ich vorher nie gedacht hätte.

L. B.


Grundlagen Ölmalerei

Starter Kits
for drawing,
painting &

Prepared by the Academy: start the workshop professionally equipped with all the materials and tools you need. 

Set for beginners drawing course - basic drawing starter set

Work from the workshops

Results of our participants