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Drawing / Painting

Learn how to draw or paint realistically in our workshops

Drawing and Painting Workshops

You will learn the basics of realistic art in our drawing and painting workshops:

important measuring techniques to transfer proportions correctly, everything about materials and a comprehensive understanding of light and shadow to create shapes and volumes and thus more three-dimensionality. Our teachers will guide you step by step.


Everything you see here, you can learn

It's not about talent - it's about the technique we teach you.

Was du bei uns lernen wirst

Hier steht ein Text zum Inhalt der (figurativen) Zeichnen / Malen Workshops, der im Video noch einmal ausführlicher wiederholt wird. Im Video wird die Grundstruktur der Workshops erläutert, mit welchen Materialien/Techniken man arbeiten wird und wie ein Workshop generell abläuft. 

Figurative drawing / painting workshops

In these workshops you will learn how to draw or paint people directly from the model.
You can choose between portraits and nudes or even combine both focuses in our bundles. Our experienced teachers will guide you through the process and teach you the techniques and methods in a clear and understandable way. Together with the intensive practical training, these form the foundation with which you can then continue practicing at home in a safe and structured manner.

Mit welchem Workshop kann ich einsteigen?

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Für wen sind spezialisierte Workshops geeignet?

This is your Service description. Use this space to describe what the service entails, benefits for users and any other important information.

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Kunst Zitat

Nobody knows what they can do until they have tried it.

Publilius Syrus
Passenden Workshop finden

Not sure which workshop suits you?

Then we are here for you in a personal consultation on the phone, via video chat or directly at the Academy.

We'll look at your previous experience and wishes together and find a workshop that suits you and helps you progress in your art!

Starter Set für Zeichne

Starter Set Drawing

Put together by the Academy team:

Your starter kit for the workshop

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